A Passion For
Our Story at Pine View Buildings
Pine View Canada Buildings is a story of hard work and generosity. Pine View Buildings, from North Carolina, USA, started a franchise in Manitoba in 2020, not because it made good business sense, but rather to fulfill their purpose statement: "Glorifying God by providing great employment opportunities to Christian communities." With Covid in full swing, there was no way for Pine View's Chief Sales Officer to cross the border and set up dealer and display locations across the province. So Eric, go-getter that he is, took on the role of establishing a dealer network across the province without having done anything of this scale in sales before. Simon joined Pine View as a builder in 2021, bringing with him a broad scope of experience and a large appetite for hard work. Fast forward to today. The Wall brothers now own the business, and continue to operate with the same core values and commitments to our employees and our customers. We have worked hard to bring the very best sheds to the Canadian shed industry, and back up our commitment to a quality product with a commitment to excellence in serving you, our customer.
Meet Our Team
Hard-working People Dedicated to Your Satisfaction
Being Pine View Building's CEO is a great privilege and responsibility. My path to where I am today was not straight forward or linear. I built my appetite for work tending to lawns and gardens when I was 13. After finishing high school, I signed on with a carpenter crew, and later with another shed builder, where I learned the basics of construction technique. Working for someone was great, but did not provide enough challenge.
So I ventured out on my own, serving people as a handyman, shed builder, and various other roles. That is, until Pine View Buildings, and the challenge of shed deliveries and establishing a network of locations came along. I finally found my niche of solving big problems for a company and its customers!

CEO, Eric Wall
I grew up in an environment where entrepreneurship was encouraged. From walking down the village street selling fresh baked bread (at the age of 12) to running a small commercial bee operation, to working full time as a CNC machinist, to building sheds at Pine View Buildings, I believed that people can accomplish a lot when energies are properly applied.
Now, as President at Pine View Buildings, I get to work on both the nitty gritty details and make the big decisions. Treating our employees (team members, really) and our customers well is what makes me hop out of bed every morning. We love our people. And we love our customers.
I enjoy riding my motorcycle to work, and when not at Pine View Buildings, I enjoy reading books, blending up a smoothie, or playing with our big 2 year old boy.